Lean into

What We Do

  • Share the love and hope of Christ in word and deed (service to the Church).
  • Help break down barriers and tear down strongholds that keep you from operating in your God-given purpose.
  • Bring hope to the Body of Christ through sound Bible teaching, encouragement, prayer, and funding.
  • Encourage His people to put on the whole armor of God, so that we can rise up and fight in God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

The Reason

Why We Do

There is an overwhelming spirit of defeat and crushing despair that has a massive hold on many of God’s children. Worthy to be Healed (WTBH) Ministries was founded to help you find the courage to step out of your fear, receive healing through Christ Jesus, and live your God-given purpose.

You see, the enemy has a way of making you feel that the misery and pain you have endured in your life far exceeds the healing God has in store for you. The lie detector test has determined, that is a lie. For God is saying to you that, “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in [you].” Romans 8:18 Oh, what a tragedy it would be if you could not live your life to the fullest because you are afraid to dedicate it to the God who absolutely adores you and accounted you as worthy to be healed.
